Another Man’s Life made the best-seller list in Austin, Texas. On March 9, 2013, the Austin American-Statesman reported that Steven W. Horn’s debut novel made the top ten list for local fiction sales.

Horn’s compelling new novel, Another Man’s Life, depicts the reality of Vietnam wartime atrocities intertwined with the guilt that still threatens innocent lives more than three decades later. This faced-paced story follows a Vietnam veteran as a young soldier and middle-aged father and husband.  Eden is haunted by the guilt of wartime actions that threaten his relationship with the woman he loves.  He is driven by a secret of betrayal that threatens the presidency, both past and future.

From political appointee to university professor and college dean, Horn’s unique background helps craft his writing.  Horn is currently touring around the country to promote Another Man’s Life, as well as working on future novels and finding a new favorite fishing spot.