Casper Star-Tribune: Town Crier for Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012
‘Another Man’s Life’ author in Casper
Former dean of the University of Wyoming’s College of Agriculture, Steven W. Horn, will be signing his debut novel, “Another Man’s Life,” at Tomcats & Ralph’s Books and Cards in the Sunrise Shopping Center from 3 to 5:30 p.m.
As American troops return from two wars, the public sighs with relief, then quickly forgets. But, for some, the war lives on and their casualty is unrecorded.
“It has been said the last casualty of war is innocence,” said Horn, author and veteran. “Conflict affects everyone, from supply clerk to infantryman and those closest to them. A tour of duty is a relatively short period of time in the life of a veteran, but the impacts are forever. War changes your perspective and steals your innocence.”
A decorated Vietnam veteran, Horn writes from experience. From political appointee to university professor and college dean his unique background helps craft his writing. He lives in Wyoming.
“Another Man’s Life” is published by Granite Peak Press and distributed by Lightning Source/Ingram.